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Ghana Link Network Services Shines at the 6th National Communications Awards: Pioneering Ghana’s Digital Transformation

At the 6th Edition of the National Communications Awards 2024, Ghana Link Network Services emerged as a dominant force, showcasing its pivotal role in driving the country’s digital transformation. This event, known as the Digital Future Edition, saw the company’s executives and projects receive top honors, highlighting their significant contributions to Ghana’s IT and communications landscape. Dr. Prince Alvin Kwabena Ansah, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Ghana Link Network Services, was a standout, clinching the prestigious CTO of the Year award. This accolade was a testament to Dr. Ansah’s visionary leadership and his instrumental role in developing the Integrated Customs Management System (ICUMS), a cornerstone project that has revolutionized customs operations across Ghana. The ICUMS project, spearheaded by Dr. Ansah and his team, has redefined the efficiency of trade facilitation within the country. By streamlining processes and enhancing transparency, ICUMS has not only improved the ease of doing business in Ghana but also positioned the nation as a regional leader in digital customs management. Dr. Ansah’s efforts have made a lasting impact, demonstrating how technology can be leveraged to solve complex challenges in national trade systems. “This award represents the collective effort of my team at Ghana Link and our partners who have worked tirelessly to make our vision a reality,” Dr. Ansah remarked with humility during his acceptance speech. He emphasized that the recognition was not just a personal achievement but a reflection of the collaborative spirit that drives innovation at Ghana Link. “We are committed to continuing our work in driving technological advancements that will further enhance trade and improve the lives of Ghanaians,” he added. Dr. Ansah’s recent achievement in obtaining a Doctorate Degree further underscores his dedication to his field. Yet, he views this milestone not as a conclusion but as the beginning of a new chapter in his professional journey. “Obtaining my PhD was a rigorous process, but it has equipped me with the knowledge and skills to further contribute to Ghana’s digital transformation,” he shared. His vision is clear: to harness the power of technology to drive economic growth, enhance public services, and ultimately boost Ghana’s development. But Dr. Ansah was not the only Ghana Link executive recognized at the event. Dr. Nick Danso Adjei, the company’s Executive Chairman and CEO, was honored as the Technology Entrepreneur of the Year, further cementing the company’s leadership in the tech sector. Additionally, Managing Director Nabali Bawa was celebrated with the CEO of the Year award, recognizing his role in steering Ghana Link to new heights. Ghana Link Network Services itself was also a big winner, receiving multiple honors that collectively highlighted its holistic approach to innovation and corporate social responsibility. The company was named Technology Company of The Year (Trade Facilitation & Innovation) and received the Business with Purpose Award for its impactful CSR efforts in technology. The Digital Transformation Team of the Year (Private Sector – Gold) award recognized the company’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the tech industry. Norvan Acquah-Hayford, Ghana Link’s Public Relations Manager, capped off the company’s impressive showing by winning the Corporate Communication Personality of the Year in the private sector category. His recognition underscored the importance of effective communication in driving the company’s message and mission forward. The clean sweep of awards by Ghana Link and its executives at this prestigious event is more than just a recognition of past achievements—it’s a powerful signal of the company’s future potential. Their success at the National Communications Awards 2024 is a testament to their leadership in Ghana’s tech ecosystem and their crucial role in advancing the country’s digital agenda. The ICUMS project, in particular, serves as a shining example of how homegrown tech solutions can address complex national challenges, setting a benchmark for other African nations looking to modernize their customs and trade facilitation processes. As Ghana Link continues to innovate, the broader implications for Ghana’s economy and governance are profound. The country’s push for digital transformation aligns with a growing trend across Africa, where technology is increasingly seen as a key driver of economic development and improved public services. Ghana Link’s achievements highlight the potential for such innovations to bring about tangible benefits, from increased efficiency in trade to greater transparency in government operations. However, the journey towards full digital transformation is not without its challenges. Digital infrastructure gaps, cybersecurity concerns, and the need for widespread digital literacy remain significant hurdles that must be overcome. As Ghana Link and other forward-thinking companies continue to innovate, addressing these challenges will be critical to ensuring that the benefits of digitalization are shared broadly across Ghanaian society. The National Communications Awards, now in its sixth year, has become a cornerstone event for recognizing excellence in Ghana’s digital landscape. This year’s awards, with their focus on excellence, innovation, leadership, and impact, set a high standard for the industry. The accolades garnered by Ghana Link suggest that the company has excelled across all these metrics, positioning itself as a leader not just in technology, but in shaping the future of Ghana’s economy. As Ghana continues its journey towards becoming a fully digital economy, the role of companies like Ghana Link Network Services will be instrumental. Their ability to develop innovative solutions tailored to local needs, while maintaining global standards, positions them as key players in the nation’s tech-driven future. The recognition received at the National Communications Awards 2024 is not just a celebration of past successes; it sets the stage for future innovations and highlights the growing importance of digital solutions in driving national development. As Dr. Ansah and his colleagues at Ghana Link look to the future, their vision of a digitally empowered Ghana is becoming increasingly within reach. The challenge now lies in scaling their successes and ensuring that the benefits of digital transformation reach every corner of Ghanaian society. Ghana Link Network Services is not just leading the way—they are setting the standard for what’s possible in Ghana’s digital future.

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Nick TC-Scan (Gambia) Ltd Hosts Two-Day Engagement with Customs Agents

Nick TC-Scan (Gambia) Ltd Hosts Two-Day Engagement Session with Customs Agents

Nick TC-Scan (Gambia) Ltd is proud to announce the successful completion of a two-day engagement with key stakeholders across the country, including Customs Agents of Change. This event was designed to provide in-depth knowledge and foster collaboration on the implementation and benefits of the Single Window System and eTracking technology—two pivotal systems that are transforming the landscape of customs operations in The Gambia. Day 1: In-Depth Theoretical Training The engagement kicked off on Friday, 16th August, with a focus on the theoretical aspects of our cutting-edge systems. Our team of experts provided comprehensive explanations, ensuring that participants fully grasped the concepts behind the Single Window System and eTracking technology. Engaging Discussions: The session was highly interactive, with participants actively engaging in discussions, asking insightful questions, and sharing their experiences in customs operations. This collaborative atmosphere not only enhanced learning but also fostered a sense of camaraderie among the agents. Detailed Explanations: We delved into the intricacies of the Single Window System, explaining how it centralizes documentation, streamlines trade processes, and promotes transparency. The session also covered the eTracking system’s role in monitoring goods in transit, preventing smuggling, and boosting government revenue. Positive Feedback: The response from participants was overwhelmingly positive. Customs Change Agents expressed their satisfaction with the depth and clarity of the training, highlighting how it empowered them with the knowledge needed to implement these systems effectively. Day 2: Hands-On Practical Training On Monday, 19th August, the focus shifted to the practical application of the systems. Participants were given hands-on experience, applying what they had learned in the theoretical sessions to real-world scenarios. Real-Time Demonstrations: The practical session featured live demonstrations of both the Single Window and eTracking systems. Participants observed firsthand how these technologies operate in real-time, gaining valuable insights into their functionalities and benefits. Interactive Exercises: The session included interactive exercises that allowed participants to simulate customs operations using the systems. This hands-on approach solidified their understanding and equipped them with the skills necessary to handle the technology confidently in their daily work. Empowering Stakeholders: By the end of the training, Customs Change Agents were not only familiar with the systems but also enthusiastic about their potential to revolutionize customs operations in The Gambia. Their active participation and eagerness to learn underscored the success of the engagement. The Broader Impact: Driving Economic Development in The Gambia The engagement session was more than just a training program—it was a crucial step towards enhancing the efficiency and transparency of customs operations in The Gambia. By equipping Customs Change Agents with the knowledge and skills to use these advanced systems, Nick TC-Scan (Gambia) Ltd is contributing to the broader goal of economic development in the country. Increasing Revenue Collection: The practical implementation of the eTracking system ensures that goods entering and exiting The Gambia are accurately monitored, significantly reducing the risk of smuggling and ensuring that customs duties are properly collected. Enhancing Trade Competitiveness: The Single Window System simplifies trade processes, making The Gambia a more attractive destination for international business. This increased efficiency not only benefits the economy but also strengthens the country’s position in the global market. Building Trust and Compliance: Both systems promote transparency and compliance, reducing opportunities for corruption and building trust between traders, customs officials, and the government. This trust is essential for fostering a stable and prosperous economic environment. A Commitment to Ongoing Collaboration At Nick TC-Scan (Gambia) Ltd, we believe that collaboration with stakeholders is key to the successful implementation of our systems. This two-day engagement was a testament to our commitment to working closely with Customs Change Agents to ensure that these technologies are fully understood and effectively utilized. As we move forward, we are dedicated to providing continuous support and training to all stakeholders involved in customs operations. Our goal is to maximize the benefits of these systems, contributing to a more efficient, transparent, and prosperous Gambia. Additionally The two-day engagement session with Customs Change Agents marked a significant milestone in our mission to modernize customs operations in The Gambia. By providing both theoretical and practical training, we have empowered these key stakeholders with the tools they need to drive positive change in the industry. Nick TC-Scan (Gambia) Ltd is proud to lead the way in customs technology, and we look forward to continuing our partnership with Customs Change Agents as we work together to enhance the economic development of The Gambia. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and expand our services, always with the aim of building a better future for our nation.

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Understanding the Border Crisis

Understanding the Border Crisis: Why eTracking is Essential for Gambia’s Revenue Protection

The Gambia is a country that thrives on trade and commerce, and its strategic location makes it a hub for goods moving between West African nations. However, this advantage has also made it a target for those looking to exploit the system. In recent years, a significant challenge has emerged at the borders, particularly with the transport of goods from Senegal. The crux of the issue lies in the evasion of customs duties, which has led to a substantial loss in revenue for the Gambian government. But with the introduction of eTracking by Nick TC-Scan (Gambia) Ltd, the tide is turning. The Problem: Evasion of Customs Duties For years, some business owners have found ways to bypass the payment of customs duties by exploiting a loophole in the system. They would import goods from Senegal, claiming that these items were merely in transit and not intended for sale in the Gambia. To further muddy the waters, they hired Senegalese truck drivers to transport these goods, with the understanding that they would not be held liable for duties if the goods were indeed crossing into Senegal. However, the reality was different. Many of these goods never left the Gambia. Instead, they were offloaded in the Kombos—Gambia’s largest metropolitan area—where they could be sold without the required duties being paid. This not only deprived the Gambian government of much-needed revenue but also created an uneven playing field for honest businesses that followed the rules. The Role of Corruption The evasion of duties was not solely the result of deceptive practices by some business owners and truck drivers. Unfortunately, corruption within the system also played a significant role. Some Customs officers, who were tasked with escorting these trucks to the Senegalese border, were often bribed to turn a blind eye. These officers would make millions of dalasi annually by allowing the trucks to deviate from their designated routes, further exacerbating the problem. The Solution: eTracking Technology To combat this issue, the Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA) partnered with Nick TC-Scan (Gambia) Ltd to introduce an innovative eTracking system. This cutting-edge technology allows for the real-time monitoring and tracking of trucks as they move through the country. Here’s how it works: Tracker Installation: When a truck arrives at the Gambian border, a tracking device is installed on the vehicle. This tracker remains active until the truck crosses into Senegal. 24/7 Monitoring: The GRA operates a round-the-clock monitoring room at its headquarters in Banjul. The system sends real-time data to this control center, ensuring that all trucks are on their designated routes. Alerts and Enforcement: If a truck driver attempts to deviate from the approved route, the system immediately sends an alert to the monitoring room. This allows the GRA to respond quickly, track the truck, and ensure that the appropriate customs duties are paid. This system has been a game-changer in ensuring that goods entering the Gambia are properly documented and that the government receives the revenue it is owed. It has also significantly reduced the opportunity for corruption, as the digital nature of the system leaves little room for manipulation. The Resistance: Senegalese Transport Union’s Objections Despite the clear benefits of the eTracking system, it has not been without its challenges. Recently, the Senegalese Transport Union has expressed strong opposition to the use of these tracking devices. They have requested that the Gambian authorities cease tracking their vehicles, arguing that it infringes on their autonomy. However, this situation can be likened to a scenario where a neighbor constantly loiters near your property, prompting you to install a CCTV camera for security. If the neighbor were to complain about the camera, would you really consider taking it down? The answer, of course, is no. The camera is there to protect your interests, just as the eTracking system is in place to protect the Gambia’s revenue and ensure compliance with customs laws. Why eTracking Must Continue The eTracking system is more than just a technological upgrade; it is a necessary measure to safeguard Gambia’s economic interests. Here’s why it must continue: Revenue Protection: The primary goal of eTracking is to ensure that all customs duties are paid, thereby protecting the country’s revenue stream. Fair Trade Practices: By eliminating the loopholes that allow some to evade taxes, the system ensures a level playing field for all businesses operating within the Gambia. Reduction in Corruption: The digital tracking system reduces the opportunity for customs officers to engage in corrupt practices, as their actions are now monitored and recorded. Strengthening National Security: Monitoring the movement of goods and vehicles also has broader implications for national security, helping to prevent the smuggling of illicit goods. Moving Forward with Confidence While the resistance from the Senegalese Transport Union is understandable, it is crucial to recognize that the eTracking system serves a greater good. It ensures that the Gambia can collect the revenue it is due, fosters a fair business environment, and reduces the potential for corruption. At Nick TC-Scan (Gambia) Ltd, we remain committed to supporting the GRA in its efforts to modernize customs enforcement and protect the nation’s economic interests. The future of Gambia’s trade and revenue collection depends on the continued success and expansion of this vital system.

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