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Gambia National Single Window (GNSW)

The Gambia National Single Window System (GNSW) is a collaboration between the Gambia Government, NICK TC-SCAN (GAMBIA) LTD, and its parent company, Ghana Link, operating as a Public-Private Partnership (PPP). This system aims to streamline trade procedures, enhance efficiency, and improve the overall trade ecosystem.

GNSW simplifies and streamlines customs clearance and inspection processes for all cross-border trades, including imports and exports. It achieves this by enabling the submission, processing, and sharing of trade-related information between government agencies and private sector stakeholders.

Utilizing state-of-the-art cloud computing technology, GNSW is an e-customs system that provides a swift and secure customs clearance process. This system boosts government revenue and accelerates the economic growth of the Gambia.

GNSW operates as a fully automated and paperless system, contributing to the national economy by ensuring accurate and fair taxation of all imports and exports at ports and borders. It also adheres to international trade protocols and helps control illegal activities such as smuggling and the importation of contraband goods.

Through its e-customs system, GNSW enhances government revenue and drives the domestic economy by facilitating quick clearance at various ports. This, in turn, enhances productivity and optimizes the supply chain for accelerated industrial production.

Features of GNSW Portal

User Friendly:

The system provides round-the-clock access and real-time status data of import or export cargo to users, including customs officers, importers, exporters, customs brokers, agents, freight forwarders, and others, from anywhere at any time.

Optimizing Work Efficiency:

The GNSW portal enables all stakeholders, including customs officers and regulatory agencies, to operate in a fully automated environment. The system is optimized for border protection and swift clearance, allowing simultaneous access to and utilization of integrated big data.

Highest Level Security:

The Gambia National Single Window system adheres to international security standards, such as the WCO Data Model, ensuring secure data exchange with customs and border regulatory agencies worldwide.

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